"Stefanyie Hamilton" text written in elegant cursive on a beige watercolor background.
Stefanyie with long brown hair and glasses holding a professional camera with a large flash attachment, standing in an event setting with people in the background.

Meet the artist behind the lens;

* Daughter * Sister * Niece *

* Friend * Wife * Mother * Photographer *

I have had a passion for photography since my youth, thanks to my aunt. I then began photographing friends various stories. Over time, it became a bigger passion for me. Now, I can't imagine doing anything else. I put my heart and soul into every single session/story that I tell.

I have been married for over 15 years to my hubby Elliott and we have six wonderful children; Corban, Aviyah, Elijah, Jory, Niyah and Shayah. They all bring such joy to our lives and I am thankful for the things that they teach me.

My husband is also self-employed with his plumbing company; JACENS Plumbing Inc (our kids acronym). He is also my second shooter at weddings and helps build my set/studio ideas. I am so blessed to have him support my business, even when he thinks some of my ideas are crazy.

Photography is my passion, I truly hope to be a part of telling your story.